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New Swedish survey looks to boost AML efforts

New Swedish survey looks to boost AML efforts

A Swedish gambling trade association has launched a new survey for its operator members which looks to improve efforts to tackle anti-money laundering and terrorist financing.

The results of the Swedish Trade Association for Online Gambling’s (BOS) AML State of Play survey will be revealed later this year.

The survey has been commissioned by BOS in partnership with Europe-wide consulting firm Advisense.

“The gambling market should be a place for joy, entertainment, and excitement—and the occasional big win,” said Gustaf Hoffstedt, secretary general of BOS. “Criminal activities must be eradicated.

“Our tolerance for money laundering in the gaming industry is zero. Together with Advisense, we are now setting a spotlight on ourselves to identify how we can improve our work against money laundering.”

The AML State of Play survey will be an “important step” in strengthening the Swedish online gaming market’s efforts, added Christine Enström, managing director and head of financial services at Advisense.

“Online gambling is a high-risk industry for money laundering and terrorist financing both internationally and in Sweden. Extensive measures have already been taken since the Swedish gambling industry was regulated in 2019.

“The ability to share collective expertise and exchange experiences from both the gaming and financial industries will be of great significance going forward.”