A secret online betting platform based in Chiang Rai was shut down by Thai police, exposing an intricate operation run by a group of local youth who had quickly generated wealth. The police operation on May 10 led to the arrest of a 33-year-old man called Kittipong, his wife Marisa, who is 36 years old, and several others tied to the operation.
This successful police operation was the result of months of investigation sparked by local worries. The community had noticed certain individuals leading luxurious lives despite not having apparent jobs.
Following an in-depth investigation that started in April 2023, the officers discovered an illegal betting website called AK1688, run by a well-organized group.
Numerous assets were collected by the police, such as nine cars, two motorcycles, over 1 million baht in cash, a money counting machine, 18 bankbooks, four land titles, and various other valuable items. This collection summed up to an estimated value of 40 million baht.
A financial investigation showed that the operation had made transactions worth about 200 million baht within less than two years. The people running the operation were even planning to relocate to Laos to avoid being caught.
When police got the warrants, they carried out raids in eight different locations in Chiang Rai, Chiang Mai, Nong Khai, and Nakhon Pathom. This led to the arrest of 16 suspects and the seizure of assets amounting to over 40 million baht.
Initially, the suspects refused to accept the charges. However, they have been handed over to investigation officers and now face charges of aiding and abetting, collectively organizing online gambling (like baccarat and slots) using electronic media, and collaborating with two or more people to launder money.
This quick response from Thai law enforcement underlines the ongoing fight against unlawful online gambling platforms. It showcases the importance of community watchfulness and the efficiency of police jobs in reacting to such prohibited actions.
Furthermore, this case highlights the intricacies of today’s criminal activities and the necessity for the authorities to remain updated with the digital space where these operations flourish.
Photo courtesy of The Thaiger
— 2024-05-10
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