Home » Police make nine arrests at London protest as Tommy Robinson addresses crowd

Police make nine arrests at London protest as Tommy Robinson addresses crowd

Police make nine arrests at London protest as Tommy Robinson addresses crowd

Ms Puddefoot said: “Officers have been in discussion with the organisers of both protests in recent weeks. Our priority is to ensure those exercising their right to lawful protest, both in the main march and as part of the counter protest, can do so safely.

“Officers will police these demonstrations, as they always do, without fear or favour – keeping participants and the wider public safe and responding decisively to criminal offences and any attempt to cause serious disruption.

“While we are grateful to the main organiser of the protest for comments he has made publicly discouraging violence on Saturday, we do have concerns about the number of those believed to be attending who have links to football disorder.”

She continued: “When these groups have come together at previous protests we have regrettably seen violence directed at officers. This precedent unavoidably plays a part in shaping the policing approach, including the number and nature of resources allocated to police this particular protest.

“We also understand why the concern goes beyond the potential for officers to be targeted. For some in London, in particular our Muslim communities, comments made by those associated with this event will also cause fear and uncertainty. All Londoners have a right to feel and be safe in their city and we will take a zero tolerance approach to any racially or religiously motivated hate crime we become aware of.”